Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Panikirani Chaduvulu

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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Good news to unemployees

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Vikalangula Sankshemaniki Krushi

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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Champions Prathibhaku Addeledu 5th episode 25.10.2013

Champions Prathibhaku Addeledu episode 5th
Champions prathibhaku addeledu, The great Disabled persons excellent show, Champions vikalangula excellent action show, Champion Gemini TV Show Episode-5th Dated 25-10-2013

One SMS change your life

One SMS change your life

Telangana Hakkula Sadana Samithi, Vikalangula Hakkulu, Disabled persons rights, Govt. Jobs for Handicapped, Government Jobs for Disabled persons, Jobs for disabled persons, Free Training's for disabled persons, Private jobs for Disabled persons, Skills Trainings for Disabled persons, Arkestra Trainings, Arkestra Drums playing


Vikalangulaku prathyekam

Vikalangulaku prathyekam, 

Telangana Hakkula Sadana Samithi, Vikalangula Hakkulu, Disabled persons rights, Govt. Jobs for Handicapped, Government Jobs for Disabled persons, Jobs for disabled persons, Free Training's for disabled persons, Private jobs for Disabled persons, Skills Trainings for Disabled persons, Arkestra Trainings, Arkestra Drums playing


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Champions Prathibhaku Addeledu episode 2

Champions Prathibhaku Addeledu episode 2

Champions prathibhaku addeledu, The great Disabled persons excellent show, Champions vikalangula excellent action show, Champion Gemini TV Show, Champion Gemini TV Show Episode-2 Dated 04-10-2013

Champions Prathibhaku Addeledu episode 1

Champions prathibhaku addeledu, The great Disabled persons excellent show, Champions vikalangula excellent action show, Champion Gemini TV Show,  Champion Gemini TV Show Episode-1 Dated 27-09-2013

Champions prathibhaku addeledu episode 3

Champions prathibhaku addeledu, The great Disabled persons excellent show, Champions vikalangula excellent action show, Champion Gemini TV Show Episode-3 Dated 11-10-13

Friday, 18 October 2013

O father dairy last page

O father dairy last page

Excellent quotation for Manarism

Gandhiji sukthi

Dharaniki Tharuniki Edi Bharam

Dharaniki Tharuniki Edi Bharam

Ee photo chusara.... entha deenamaina sangatana idi...

ఈ ఫోటో చూసారా... ఎంత దయనీయమైన దృశ్యం... మనిషి ప్రాణం ఎందులో ఉంది అంటే ఏమి చెప్పగలం... మానవ శరీరంలో ప్రతి అంగము ముఖ్యమే... ఏ అంగము పనిచేయకున్న మనిషి చచ్చినవానితో సమానం...


మన ఇండియన్ రాజ్యాంగములో అన్ని కులాలకు మతాలకు సంబందించిన వారికి ఎన్నో రాజ్యంగ హక్కులు మరియు వారి అభ్యున్నతికి ఎన్నో అర్టికల్స్ ఉన్నాయి. కాని వికలాంగులకు సంబందించి ఒక్క హక్కు  కూడా ఇండియన్ రాజ్యాంగములో లేక పోవడం చాలా బాదాకరం. ఏ మతం వారైన, ఏ కులం వారైన, ఐ.ఏ.ఎస్. ఐనా, ఐ.పి.ఎస్. ఐనా, సిపాయి ఐనా, మేజర్ ఐనా, పి.ఎమ్. ఐనా, సి.ఎమ్. ఐనా  మరియు  సామాన్యుడైనా కర్మకాలితే వచ్చేది మా వికలాంగుల క్యాటగిరిలోకే...

Thursday, 17 October 2013

A blind Master

A blind Master, Prathibhaku Addeledu, Prathibhavanthulu mana vikalangulu

He is a blind person, He is not going to school in earlier age, But he is become Master,

Dubbaka mandalam lo velasina vidya kusumam maa shankar mastar, 

A great quotes of human being

A great quotes of human being, Excellent Quotation of humanity, A small kavithalu, A small poet,

Nuvvu goppavadivaithe kakapoina...
Nuvvu chese pani goppadaithe...
Apane ninnu Ee prapanchamlo...
Goppavadiga nilabeduthundhi...
Neeku mathrame nachithe chaladu...
Prateedi padimandiki nachela chey... naduchuko...

Life style of Sethakoka chiluka

Life style of Sethakoka chiluka, Learn history of Seetha, bring your life, dream your life, thought your life

Hamara Gandhi jee Geetha

Hamara Gandhi jee, Gandhiji bhagavath geetha, Gandhiji Geetha

Now a days politics are very bad positions, nobody can do something heart fully, Antha swardham, Swartha Rajakiyale chestunnaru

3 Quations on Hyderabad separate

3 equations on Hyderabad separate 

Small suggestion goes to bikers

Excellent truth of Telangana

Excellent truth of Telangana

Excellent Quotations on Mother

Excellent Quotations on Friendship, Excellent Quotations on Mother, A small kavithalu, A small poet,

Entha panchina Prema taggadu...
Entha Ichina korika teeradu...

Kori iche manasuke koti kastalu...
Kapu kaase chettuke ralla debbalu...

Ventarani vatikosam vemparladaku...
Nee needai niliche thoduni vidichi vellaku...

Gayalenni chesina... Gadi Thappaku...
Pranam posina talli runam maravaku...

Amma Kavali

Amma Kavali,
Barya Kavali,
Sodari Kavali,
Kuthuru Enduku Vaddu?

Save Girls

Excellent Quotations on Friendship

Excellent Quotations on Friendship, A small kavithalu, A small poet,

Excellent Quotation of Voters

Excellent Quotation of Voters, Chinna Kavithalu, Small poet, A small poet, SMS Text messages, Quotations,

Tinnadi Arugadu Kondariki,
Tindamante Dorakadu inkondariki.
E paristhiti maaralante prajalu marali,
Manchi nayakunni ennukovali.
Manchi Palanathone vyavasta Marutundi.

Mee votu Amulyamaindi!
veste cheyakandi.- Nagaiah

A beautiful quotation of man kind

A beautiful quation of man kind, A beautiful quotation of man kind
Edutivari Kanniru Chusi Nuvvu Anandichali anukunte,
A kshaname nuvvu manishiga maraninchinatlu!!

Monday, 7 October 2013

Supreme Court ordered to State and Central Govts

N¹-©Ç¢-’¹Õ© J•-êªy-†¾-ÊxåXj ®¾Õ“XÔ¢-ÂÕd Â̩¹ Bª½Õp
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Supreme Court ordered to State and Central Govts, Supreme court ordered to All State and Central Governments about 3% reservation of Disabled persons, Vikalangula hakkula sadana samithi, 3% reservations in Government Jobs, Handicapped persons 3% reservations in Government Jobs right given to Supreme court

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Ten fun facts about Stephen Hawking

Ten fun facts about Stephen HawkingFact 1
Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford on 8th January 1942.

Fact 2
Hawking worked extensively on the subject of black holes and provided theories for their behavior, including the idea that they emit radiation.

Fact 3
He was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is a very rare form of motor neurone disease when he was just 22 years old. The disease continued to progress and over the years, Hawking has been almost entirely paralyzed. He cannot talk but uses a speech generating equipment to communicate.

Fact 4
His bestselling book “A Brief History of Time” made his famous.

Fact 5
Hawking has received awards such as the 1979 Albert Einstein Medial, the Order of the British Empire in 1982 as well as the World Prize in Physics in 1988.

Fact 6
He took up the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge for 30 years in 1979 and retired on 1 October 2009.

Fact 7
Stephen Hawkng and his daughter Lucy Hawking collaborated to write a children’s bookd “George’s Secret Key to the Universe.”

Fact 8
Stephen Hawking was awarded the United States highest civilian honor of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Fact 9
One of Hawkings major achievements which he shared with Jim Hartle was to come up with the theory that the universe has no boundaries in 1983

Fact 10
He has made guest appearances on the TV shows, “The Simpsons” and “Star Trek” and brandishes his cool wit.

Jean-Dominique Bauby Locked-in Syndrome

Jean-Dominique Bauby
April 23 1952 – March 9, 1997

Disability: Locked-in Syndrome

Jean-Do was a well-known French journalist and author and editor of the French fashion magazine ELLE. In 1995 he suffered a massive heart attack causing him to go into a coma for 20 days. After coming out of the coma he found himself with a very rare neurological disorder called Locked-in syndrome, in which the mental state is perfectly normal and stable but the body is paralyzed from Head to Toe. In the case of Jean-Do he was able to move only his left eyelid. Despite his condition, he wrote the book The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by blinking when the correct letter was reached by a person slowly reciting the alphabet over and over again. Bauby had to compose and edit the book entirely in his head, and convey it one letter at a time. To make dictation more efficient, Bauby’s interlocutor, Claude Mendibil, read from a special alphabet which consisted of the letters ordered in accordance with their frequency in the French language. The book was published in France on 7 March 1997. Bauby died just two days after the publication of his book.

Hellen Keller Blind and Deaf

Hellen Keller June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968

Disability: Blind and Deaf

Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story of how Keller’s teacher, Annie Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become known worldwide through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker. Sullivan taught Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hand, beginning with d-o-l-l for the doll that she had brought her as a present. A prolific author, Keller was well traveled and was outspoken in her opposition to war. She campaigned for women’s suffrage, workers’ rights, and socialism, as well as many other progressive causes. In 1920, she helped to found the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Keller and Sullivan traveled to over 39 countries, making several trips to Japan and becoming a favorite of the Japanese people. Keller met every US President from Grover Cleveland to Lyndon B. Johnson and was friends with many famous figures, including Alexander Graham Bell, Charlie Chaplin, and Mark Twain.

1.Stephen Hawking 8 January 1942

1. Stephen Hawking
8 January 1942, Stephen Hawking history

Disability: Motor Neuron disease or a variant of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

Stephen William Hawking is a British theoretical physicist, whose world-renowned scientific career spans over 40 years. His books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity and he is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and in 2009 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Stephen Hawking is severely disabled by motor neuron disease, likely a variant of the disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS). Symptoms of the disorder first appeared while he was enrolled at Cambridge; he lost his balance and fell down a flight of stairs, hitting his head. Worried that he would lose his genius, he took the Mensa test to verify that his intellectual abilities were intact. The diagnosis of motor neuron disease came when Hawking was 21, shortly before his first marriage, and doctors said he would not survive more than two or three years. Hawking gradually lost the use of his arms, legs, and voice, and as of 2009 was almost completely paralyzed.